blog entry #1 - fnf ramblings
11/27/22 - Sunday
if you've been on youtube pretty recently, you probably know about friday night funkin. if you don't know, it's a pretty simple rhythm game. personally, i have been into it since week 4 came out and right when week 5 was in the process of being released. back at that point vs whitty and mid-night masses were pretty much the only well known mods i can remember. now, there's so many cool and extremely detailed mods. my personal favorites currently are hypno's lullaby and untitled goose mod.
it's crazy to see how much the community has expanded. i remember when the only real gameplay we had on youtube were basic playthroughs of the main game's weeks, and now there's entire channels dedicated to just full combos of a full mod. it's also really neat to see the improvement and progression of mod creators over time. ones that come to mind are bbpanzu, atsuover, and sock.clip. the last of those made vs whitty, but has since pushed herself away from the mod and since made twinsomnia, probably my all time favorite mod ever. seriously, go have a listen to the mod's soundtrack. it is so fckin good
i would seriously recommend if you're new to playing fnf or just need general improvement, as silly as it is, play funky friday or other fnf roblox makeovers. they have multiplayer if you'd like to practice with a friend, or you can play solo. the best part about it is that no matter how bad you do, the song won't end even if you mess up. it's great for practice, though the only downside is the speeds are different from the actual mods speeds. it can be a task to get used to it.
anyways, i would say overall that friday night funkin is a good game. i can't talk about fnf without talking about the fandom. it has been...well it's been! the most notable thing i remember was the creator of the mid-fight masses being bombarded with insults and death threats and being heavily criticized for the mod being for lack of a better term buggy and almost unplayable in some instances. i agree, to an extent, though the creator didn't deserve any of the insane hate they recieved. criticism would be completely fine, of course, but it was...really bad. they ended up leaving the community and to my knowledge hasn't come back. there's also the content creator spete, who just makes really deplorable content, using nsfw of underage characters in fnf as thumbnails for his videos. (i believe they have been changed but there are screenshots abound. still, yikes man.)
with all that being said...i would say play the game and the mods if you're interested. yeah, the fandom is a shitshow, but the mods themselves that have been produced have genuine effort and love for the game put into them (most of the time, anyway. i'm looking at you, low effort spinoffs of the huggy wuggy mod) and trust me, it is possible to avoid the fandom. i've done it with undertale, so i feel like if i can avoid the burning trashpile that the undertale fandom was back in 2016. it's possible here.
signing off, atlas ♥